New study reveals widespread risk of infectious diseases to wild bees

New study reveals widespread risk of infectious diseases to wild bees

Researchers have discovered a network of viruses, which were previously associated with managed honeybees, may now pose a widespread risk to bumblebees in the wild, according to a new study published today in the Journal of Animal Ecology.The study revealed multiple int

Demise of bees – number of bees drastically drops in 2012/2013

Demise of bees – number of bees drastically drops in 2012/2013

Nearly a third of managed honeybee colonies in America died out or disappeared over the past winter which is far worse than the previous winter. On average, U.S. beekeepers lost 45.1% of the colonies in their operation during the winter of 2012/2013 according

Colony Collapse Disorder: I keep finding dead bees everywhere!

Colony Collapse Disorder: I keep finding dead bees everywhere!

I was outside all the time when I was a kid but never found dead bees. Now I find them almost every time I step out into the garden. Colony Collapse Disorder is a real environmental threat and now Monsanto is hunting down whistleblowers who expose the fact that their