How thick is the crust beneath Antarctica?

How thick is the crust beneath Antarctica?

A giant ice cap up to 3,800 meters (2,36 miles ) thick covers about 99 % of the Antarctic continent, and under the layer of frozen water lays continental crust. Researchers  analyzed seismic data from the South pole to create a new most detailed map showing the

Major study finds ice sheet loss at both poles increasing

Major study finds ice sheet loss at both poles increasing

In a landmark study published on Thursday, November 29, 2012 in the journal Science, 47 researchers from 26 laboratories report the combined rate of melting for the ice sheets covering Greenland and Antarctica has increased during the last 20 years. Together, these ice

2011 arctic ice extent is down

2011 arctic ice extent is down

The 2011 maximum extent of Arctic sea ice appears to be tied for the lowest amount in area since satellite measurements began 32 year ago.Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder said the maximum ice extent was 463,000 square miles below the 1979-2000

Japan earthquake sped up Antarctica ice stream

Japan earthquake sped up Antarctica ice stream

The 9.0-magnitude earthquake that rocked Japan on Friday (March 11) and sent a tsunami travelling across the Pacific Ocean had another long-range effect: It momentarily caused a glacier in Antarctica to speed its flow, researchers have said.The Whillans glacier,

Polar ice is melting more faster than predicted

Polar ice is melting more faster than predicted

The massive Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets that sit near Earth’s two poles are melting at an increasingly faster pace, a new study finds. The study, based on measurements covering nearly 20 years, suggests the melting ice sheets are becoming the dominant