
Exposing the Myths of "Settled Science"


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Is it possible that the foundational assumptions of the theoretical sciences all express a common misunderstanding? From cosmology, the "queen of the sciences," a core dogma of the 20th century filtered down through every discipline, constraining our ideas about galaxy and star formation and ultimately (from the same underlying assumptions) all of the space sciences, infecting our views of earth history and even our sense of what it means to be human. The core dogma was the idea that gravity alone, seen through the lens of general relativity, rules the cosmos. Dispelling this most common misconception has become the essential requirement for scientific progress, since all of the new evidence makes clear that we live in an Electric Universe. 

David Talbott presented this talk at the annual meeting of the Natural Philosophy Alliance, University of Maryland, July 10-13, 2013. Part Two of the talk will be given at the upcoming The Thunderbolts Project(TM) conference (Electric Universe 2014: All About Evidence) March 20-24, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. See www.thunderbolts.info for announcement in September 2013.

Featured image: This image shows the eruption of a galactic “super-volcano” in the massive galaxy M87, as witnessed by NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and NSF's Very Large Array (VLA). The cluster surrounding M87 is filled with hot gas glowing in X-ray light (and shown in blue) that is detected by Chandra. As this gas cools, it can fall toward the galaxy's centre where it should continue to cool even faster and form new stars. However, radio observations with the VLA (red) suggest that in M87 jets of very energetic particles produced by the black hole interrupt this process. These jets lift up the relatively cool gas near the centre of the galaxy and produce shock waves in the galaxy's atmosphere because of their supersonic speed. Author X-ray: NASA/CXC/KIPAC/N. Werner et al Radio: NSF/NRAO/AUI/W. Cotton


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  1. And what is the difference? Is this next new generation of cosmology going to stop light from bending around the sun. Stop neutron stars from spinning or what? What might make a difference it the conservation of energy.

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