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Kongpop U-yen, PhD: Evidence of space weather induced natural disasters – EU2014


YouTube video

Strong solar activities have long been known to cause damages to electrical grids and global communication systems. However, there exist evidence that solar activities have strong correlation with abrupt weather conditions and tectonic activities, including storm formations, flash floods, volcanic activities and earthquakes. In this presentation, case studies of such connections are examined and discussed that are linked to electrical properties of the Earth. Simple electrical theories based on laboratory experiments are presented to explain such phenomena.

Dr. Kongpop U-yen obtained his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology. As an electric universe enthusiast, he has conducted an independent research on topics related to space weather and solar activities predictions.

Of note: unfortunately, Kongpop’s presentation at EU2014 was the victim of AV breakdown. However, he produced this video summary after the conference, and it is posted on his YouTube Channel. Since the conference, Suspicious0bservers has highlighted his work. A recent paper has been released by them on the topic of space weather induced earthquakes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13m-9vVVnwFOvSO1g9X4239hlJrRuemdBzBVBSQo8lAc/edit.


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  1. If religion is fear of God from sun worship, then why does the Bible say that true religion is caring for the widows and orphans? I think you meant false religion is this or that ;]

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